Stain Resistant
All Kid Proof fabrics inherently resist virtually all stains and spills. Treat stains quickly by first blotting the trouble area with a clean damp cloth, which in most cases will remove the majority of the stain.

Durable Construction
All Kid Proof fabrics meet or exceed Industry standards for durability. They are constructed to meet high wearability standards, combining durable fibers and heavy duty construction.

Oil Based Stain Repellency
*Some Kid Proof fabrics are designed to repel oil-based stains. Butter, salad dressing, pizza, chicken wings and crayons are common examples of oil-based stain offenders.

Liquid Repellency
*Some Kid Proof fabrics are designed to repel water-based liquids. The occasional spilled glass of juice or coffee will simply bead and puddle up on the surface, allowing you to hand blot with a clean cloth.